Tuesday 24 February 2015

Introduction to John

Day: 63 days to go!

ReadingJohn 20:30-31

“Pick up a Bible, and read a little bit every day from the Gospel of John. Underline everything you read that shows you how trustworthy Jesus is. Notice especially how he treated people; think about why he died, and what his resurrection means for you. Jesus gave up his life for you. You can trust him with your life today. You can follow him.”   Edward T. Welch

This quote, that appears in the foreword to the 40 Days with John booklet, encourages us to make the Gospel a part of our daily experience, for a period of time at least.

John is unique among the other gospels. There are many ways in which it is different. One striking example is the way in which it presents Jesus in his divinity much more overtly than Matthew, Mark or Luke. In the opening verse, "the Word was God"!

God incarnate, the One through whom our world was created. This is the Jesus was are invited to get to know better in 40 Days with John.


Let's pray that 40 Days with John will be significant for us individually, and significant for us as a church"


Friday 13 February 2015


Welcome to the 40 Days with John blog site! We hope that by following the readings, thoughts for the day, sermons and other material you will grow in your love for God and his Word.