Tuesday 16 June 2015

Day 37 - Things are not as they seem

ReadingJohn 19:17-37

My favourite university lecturer, and the most brilliant man I've ever had the privilege to know personally, was a humble, unassuming guy with the unlikely name of John Smith! His office was a jumble store of papers, an administrator’s disaster zone which gave the impression of a life out of control, but which in reality disguised a very orderly mind and a man who was very much on top of his work.

To the casual observer John 19 has all the appearances of a chaotic situation. Jesus is powerless, nailed to the cross, an object of ridicule. And yet, there are lots of little signs that indicate that this situation is far from being out of control. The notice nailed to the cross informs the passers-by that this IS the King of the Jews, contrary to the wishes of the Jewish leaders. The soldiers think they are in charge of the crucifixion, as indeed they are in one sense, but they are also unwittingly fulfilling the prophecies from of old. It’s Jesus who takes charge of the arrangements to see that his mother is cared for, and it is Jesus, ultimately, who gives up his spirit when he is satisfied that the job is done.

From start to finish this passage, despite the surface appearances of chaos, has a strong stamp of God’s sovereignty over events. Things are not as they seem. And what a comfort that is to me, today, when I look around me at scenes of apparent chaos. Whether it is global chaos or the chaos in my own life, I can be confident that, in the words of the hymn, “God is working his purpose out as year succeeds to year.”

One day that purpose will be revealed, and God’s work will be plain to see. It’s a day “that shall surely be, when the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.” It’s a day when, once more, Jesus will say, “It is finished!”


Who do you know who would be encouraged to be reminded that God is in control? Why not contact them, and help them find strength in God through this passage or that well-known hymn?


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